Fourth Wall Master

OC Fourth Wall Master

Mr. Smith

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Fourth Wall Master's History

Mr. Smith was a simple comic strip character created by a comic strip writer based on his own life. He was in the newspaper every day for more than 30 years and until the newspaper was closed due to bankruptcy. The latest issue of the newspaper, which he appeared for last time was never distributed and remained in print. The version in which the writer wished that this character could come out of the papers and continue his life outside the pages of the newspaper.

Years later, when the printing press was on fire, Mr. Smith was able to emerge from the last page, which had not yet been completely ruined. When he reached the first newsstand, he realized that he could enter comic books and move between them. He could find the original version of the comic that the author had. Mr. Smith could have come out of the original comics, and because he was based on a writer, he was interested in editing it the way he liked but he had to do it with the ink he had inside, and after that he faded and He had to go into a comic and absorb the ink.