Would Captain America have won if Bucky wasn't there?
Created by Caleb_Rivas, 3 y 6 mo 14 d ago.
In Civil War Iron man is defeated by Bucky and captain America, But! Would Captain America be able alto win if Bucky wast there
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MoNsTeR 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Would Captain America have won if Bucky wasn't there? #
not even close iron man would destroy cap
vonKonigsberg 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Would Captain America have won if Bucky wasn't there? #
I mean, there straight up wouldn't be a fight at that point.
SuperSomebody 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Would Captain America have won if Bucky wasn't there? #
Iron Man would curbstomp with no plot armor on Cap but they are in a close room with hand to hand combat which Cap is better at and if Iron Man shoots his repulsors, the shield will block it and if Iron MAn flies, it's a closed room so he can't really do much