Wonder woman bracelets/shield/sword vs Captain America shield.
Created by Accurate, 3 y 9 mo 6 d ago.
Are wonder woman bracelets/shield stronger than Captain America's shield. Can wonder woman's sword cut through Captain America's shield?
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Joshn4 3 y 9 mo 5 d
Wonder woman bracelets/shield/sword vs Captain America shield. #
Cap's shield should be stronger. Seeing as his can't be broken using brute physical strength alone, requiring hax to do so, whereas Diana's equipment has been destroyed by physical force before.
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Accurate 3 y 9 mo 5 d
Wonder woman bracelets/shield/sword vs Captain America shield. #
@Joshn4 can you show me the comic for proof?
Arnav12321 3 y 9 mo 6 d
Wonder woman bracelets/shield/sword vs Captain America shield. #
I just saw this forum.