Who was the first love interest of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the comics?
Created by ForJustice1324, 4 y 6 mo 8 d ago.
A.) Talia Al Ghul, B.) Catwoman, C.) Vicki Vale, D.) Julie Madison, E.) Silver St. Cloud, or F.) Kathy Kane
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ForJustice1324 4 y 5 mo 8 h 36 m
Who was the first love interest of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the comics? #
Let me guess some of you guys looked it up online didn’t you? LOL
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Jongensoden 4 y 4 mo 29 d
Who was the first love interest of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the comics? #
Nah i litteraly have those comics
ForJustice1324 4 y 4 mo 29 d
Who was the first love interest of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the comics? #
Who is the Julie Madison character other than she’s the first love interest Batman had in the comics?