Who gives the best speech: Captain America or Optimus Prime?
Created by Mr_Incognito, 4 y 3 mo 12 d ago.
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Tyrannus 4 y 3 mo 9 d
Who gives the best speech: Captain America or Optimus Prime? #
Gonna have to chose CA. Whenever he talks it just sounds so comforting no matter how bad things are. He just sounds so unintentionally humble. I read Civil War again today and despite me being team IM the whole time, his speech sounds so good every time I see it.
Dhruv 4 y 3 mo 9 d
Who gives the best speech: Captain America or Optimus Prime? #
Optimus prime's speech has a deeper meaning while cap's speech has both meaning and motivation. So i will go with cap.
RajinKabir 4 y 3 mo 11 d
Who gives the best speech: Captain America or Optimus Prime? #
The best speech Cap gave was before the end fight of Winter Soldier.