Who are you bias towards?
Created by ManofPower, 5 y 10 mo 23 d ago.
Many of us are bias in some way. SirSpidey with Thor , NemianLion with Hulk and LordTracer with.....Um..... Pikachu. Fanboys finally admit your bias
My personal bias is towards Superman , The Flash and Darkseid
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Taurus 4 y 1 d
Who are you bias towards? #
I am slightly biased to weaker characters who don't have the potential for unlimited power, for ex Yondu or Executioner.
DarthNihilus003 4 y 1 d
Who are you bias towards? #
Darth Nihilus
Savage 4 y 3 d
Who are you bias towards? #
Galactus and Shrek