Which universe would you want to live in?
Created by datboi12ty, 3 y 8 mo 16 d ago.
What universe would you want to live in and why?
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BlotskyA 3 y 7 mo 22 d
Which universe would you want to live in? #
Marvel because While I Love DC, DC has The Reverse Flash and Anti-Monitor who can cause Deaths like Reverse Flash can erase people from Existence and for Anti-Monitor, 1 Word: Crisis, Marvel usually has less characters like that
voidstone 3 y 7 mo 22 d
Which universe would you want to live in? #
MakeMineMarvel 3 y 8 mo 6 d
Which universe would you want to live in? #
I would choose the early to mid 1960's - either DC or Marvel, but probably Marvel. Truth be told, my main comic interests have been stuck in the 1960's and 70's for decades, with a few exceptions now and then.