Which universe has the most overstated characters?
Created by vonKonigsberg, 3 y 7 mo 9 d ago.
At least on this site. What sparked this was me looking at the various Pokemon. Like the Primal forms being at multiversal levels of power. Mhmm. Sure.
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SuperSomebody 3 y 7 mo 9 d
Which universe has the most overstated characters? #
Mew should be tier 4 at least
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vonKonigsberg 3 y 7 mo 9 d
Which universe has the most overstated characters? #
I could see Mewtwo in 3, but Mew is inferior (powerwise) in every way. High 2 maybe.
SuperSomebody 3 y 7 mo 9 d
Which universe has the most overstated characters? #
@vonKonigsberg Mewtwo is very low tier 3