Which fictional universe would you like your OCs to be a part of?
Created by Doomsday, 2 y 4 mo 19 d ago.
As original characters, what type of universe would you like your OCs to be from, is it anime, comics, fantasy, etc.?
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Hesperus 1 y 2 mo 16 d
Which fictional universe would you like your OCs to be a part of? #
Elder scrolls or Tolkienverse
Danyel 2 y 3 mo 26 d
Which fictional universe would you like your OCs to be a part of? #
The Axiom like Metapotent being in anime universe.
LadyGaladriel1212 2 y 3 mo 26 d
Which fictional universe would you like your OCs to be a part of? #
LOTR would be sick