What is your trueself
Created by ManofPower, 6 y 4 mo 22 d ago.
Me on the internet and me in real life is a little bit different . I'm still kind and generous but I'm extremely lazy and dont like to work that much . I'm very athletic instead of sounding weak and fragile on here and it you have any other questions about me just ask .
But what is your true self?
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Ahasan 9 mo 3 d
What is your trueself #
Failure 😔
Michealdem17 4 y 1 mo 8 d
What is your trueself #
I'm not sure. But only think I can say Is that my life sucks for many reasons.
Z_man_the_overpowered 5 y 1 mo 16 d
What is your trueself #
I don't really like to change how I act just because im on the interwebs.