What is the most random battle on this site in your opinion?
Created by Tigerking2020, 3 y 7 mo 24 d ago.
Out of all the battles on here, which one would you say is the most random, most unconnected, and weirdest.
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NiTrOMAMBA 3 y 7 mo 19 d
What is the most random battle on this site in your opinion? #
thor vs Captain EO 😂
MoNsTeR 3 y 7 mo 21 d
What is the most random battle on this site in your opinion? #
Daredevil Vs Sentry 😁
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BlotskyA 3 y 7 mo 21 d
What is the most random battle on this site in your opinion? #
That was intended to be Marvels Batman vs Superman, what is a Random Battle is The Punisher vs The Reverse Flash as I Mention below