
What is the earliest year you would consider watching a movie from?

Created by Galactus, 1 y 1 d ago.

For example; You won't watch movies from before you were born, or not from before the 90s, etc.

The question is 'in general', there might be some exceptions.


xerodeep 1 y 1 d
What is the earliest year you would consider watching a movie from?
71 months member
What year was the first motion picture made and released? That year! 😁 (The year was 1878, by the way)

What I'm ultimately saying is, if a film sounds interesting and I think I'll like it, I'll watch it. It doesn't matter to me what year it was made.

I've watched some pretty good old movies.
Last edited: 1 y 1 d ago.
What is the earliest year you would consider watching a movie from?
17 months member
1975, didn't saw any movie before it
Jakcj 1 y 1 d
What is the earliest year you would consider watching a movie from?
84 months member
1980s-1990's when director's knew how to script movies