What is the coolest sounding name of a fictional character? (list 3)
Created by dcm, 3 y 3 mo 8 h 44 m ago.
Basically list the three fictional characters (in your opinion) who have the coolest sounding names.
for example
1. Superman
2. Batman
3. Spider-Man
That isn't my list but you get the idea
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Singham 2 y 10 mo 15 d
What is the coolest sounding name of a fictional character? (list 3) #
SuperSomebody 3 y 1 mo 16 d
What is the coolest sounding name of a fictional character? (list 3) #
masterking2 3 y 1 mo 16 d
What is the coolest sounding name of a fictional character? (list 3) #
The scarlet witch,emperor palpatine,sinestro,raw hide kid and the living tribunal