What is more powerful wonder woman�??s Godwave or Thor�??s God Blast?
Created by Chijb, 3 y 5 mo 15 d ago.
I have been trying to find an answer since the start of time.
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Deathstroke_01 3 y 5 mo 14 d
What is more powerful wonder woman�??s Godwave or Thor�??s God Blast? #
Godwave isn't attack is it?
SuperSomebody 3 y 5 mo 15 d
What is more powerful wonder woman�??s Godwave or Thor�??s God Blast? #
Godblast but Shrek's Fart kills them all
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MoNsTeR 3 y 5 mo 15 d
What is more powerful wonder woman�??s Godwave or Thor�??s God Blast? #
most deadliest move :D