What are your Top 5 least favorite characters?
Created by EmptyHand, 5 y 6 mo 8 d ago.
1. Antimonitor
2. the presence
3. Cosmic armor superman
4. The one above all
5. Beyonder
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ThorMathews 3 y 10 mo 15 d
What are your Top 5 least favorite characters? #
@Taurus I'm curious to see yours
show 3 replies
Taurus 3 y 10 mo 15 d
What are your Top 5 least favorite characters? #
Carol Danvers is a must but I had trouble with this in the past. It varies.
ThorMathews 3 y 10 mo 15 d
What are your Top 5 least favorite characters? #
@Taurus I feel that