What are your Least Favorite TV Shows?
Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 10 mo 26 d ago.
We All Love TV Shows, I'm sure we do, but we also have ones that are just terrible, so mention the Shows that you hate
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BlotskyA 3 y 10 mo 26 d
What are your Least Favorite TV Shows? #
Daredevil, I Actually Don't Hate it, it's just way too Mediocre for me especially compared to Arrow
show 4 replies
MoNsTeR 3 y 10 mo 23 d
What are your Least Favorite TV Shows? #
did you watched punisher
BlotskyA 3 y 10 mo 23 d
What are your Least Favorite TV Shows? #
Only 1 Episode of season 2