
v4.7 - Zone of Truth update

Created by Galactus, 1 y 2 mo 19 d ago.

This update focuses on Media ratings and reviews.

Some of the updates will include;
- Games
- TV Shows
- Movies / Media page Redesign


v4.7 - Zone of Truth update
8+ year member
Putting most of my time into adding TV Shows and Games to the website the last few days.
It's sort of a rabbit hole; to add new media types I need a new db-table structure. To do that I need a new way of classifying Media Types. Rating any new Media Types; I need a new Rating System, etc...
I'm hoping to get the new Rating System live before the end of the year.
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v4.7 - Zone of Truth update
56 months member
heralds can request tv shows and games right ? like movies possible future
Last edited: 3 d ago.
v4.7 - Zone of Truth update
8+ year member
@MoNsTeR Anyone can request Movies/TV/Games, etc. in the future (the new system). The voting might be limited to some roles.