
Top 100 Favorite Characters of All Time

Created by wolfdragon123, 6 y 7 mo 14 d ago.

While making the top 5 lists for @Swarm's forum, I realized just how many interesting characters I've come across in my life. There are hundreds of great characters I know of from all different forms of media (TV shows, movies, comics, games, etc), so this is where I will post my giant list of my top 100 favorite characters of all time, and I encourage anyone else to do so if you are up to the challenge.


Enternity10 3 y 10 mo 1 d
Top 100 Favorite Characters of All Time
50 months member
1. Silver Surfer
2. Eternity
3. The Spectre
4. Exitar the Exterminator
6.Lucifer Morningstar
8. Green Lantern
9. Doctor Strange
10. Shisui Uchiha
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Savage 3 y 10 mo 1 d
Top 100 Favorite Characters of All Time
49 months member
Exitar the Exterminator seems random
Enternity10 3 y 10 mo 23 h 11 m
Top 100 Favorite Characters of All Time
50 months member
He is my favorite celestial