
Thoughts on Thor Love and Thunder Trailer

Created by MarvelBoy107, 2 y 8 mo 5 d ago.

Thoughts, wishes, and theories. What do you think of the new trailer, Gorr, and the Pantheon etc.?


ultron 2 y 8 mo 3 d
Thoughts on Thor Love and Thunder Trailer
80 months member
I really liked it but idk I feel like the CGI was kinda mid like the fight between gorr and valkery looked kinda bad I hope they will fix it also thors new suit with the helmet looks IMO pretty horrible but other than that it was pretty good I love gorr so much in the trailer i really hope he will live up to the expectations but sadly this version of gorr will probably not have the necromancer sword as symbiote and knull is still Sony's property
Jaqqsyn 2 y 8 mo 4 d
Thoughts on Thor Love and Thunder Trailer
37 months member
Oh my gosh, I loved it, I also really like how Jane is able to use Mjolnir's broken state as an advantage in the way that she shot fragments at all those guards around her.
TheNemianLion 2 y 8 mo 5 d
Thoughts on Thor Love and Thunder Trailer
95 months member
Chris Hemsworth is in PHENOMENAL shape. I hope Hercules is introduced and becomes a mainstay. Same with Ares, since they're doing a Dark Avengers thing. I hope Ares is included as a mainstay too.