Thoughts on Fantastic Four cast?
Created by Enternity10, 10 mo 13 d ago.
What are your thoughts on the cast of the upcoming Fantastic Four film by Marvel Studios?
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BlotskyA 10 mo 6 d
Thoughts on Fantastic Four cast? #
Pedro Pascal is a Great Actor, and He could prove us wrong however, In Multiverse of Madness, They already had a Mr. Fantastic with John Krasinski, so I Kinda see it as a Little Pointless
Royce 10 mo 12 d
Thoughts on Fantastic Four cast? #
Idk I don't like Pedro Pascal as Reed. Joseph Quinn as Human Torch is meh, the other two however are spot on.
ultron 10 mo 13 d
Thoughts on Fantastic Four cast? #
idk what the new is for the actor of human torch but damn thats some terrible casting