This Animal vs That Animal
Created by sonyablade, 3 y 5 mo 2 d ago.
So I had a weird dream where a giant Koala was eating a Dinosaur-rabbit, anyway it got me thinking and like, who would win?
You could also pair your own animal opponents but I'm curious to know what yall think about these.
1. Bear vs Gorilla
2. Leviathan vs Dragon
3. Tiger vs Lion
4. Giant Snake vs Giant Spider
5. Scorpion vs Spider
6. Shark vs Crocodile
7. Elephant vs Hippo
8. A Pack of Wolves vs a Cackle of Hyenas
9. Bull vs Horse
10. Toad vs Frog
11. Giant Opctopus vs Giant Squid
Regarding the species, consier the most powerful specie of each eg silverback Gorilla, Great White Shark, Funnel Web Spider, African Bullfrog, Grizzly bear et cetera et cetera yo
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BlotskyA 4 mo 14 d
This Animal vs That Animal #
Tiger vs Great White Shark
show 2 replies
Hesperus 4 mo 14 d
This Animal vs That Animal #
great white shark
ultron 4 mo 1 d
This Animal vs That Animal #
tiger easily