Tag Team Debate Tournament #2
Created by soulcollecter34, 5 y 10 mo 2 d ago.
If you know of the first one, this one is exactly the same, just an improved version. For those who don't, a brief summary. You and one other user on this site will team together and debate other teams of 2 in a knockout tournament style to crown the first official Tag Team champions (the first one didn't go so well). This time it will have to be mid-level characters. You will chose a character form the player pool and after enough people have joined you will be randomly paired up and the tournament will begin, rules are down below. I hope this one goes much better.
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Marvel500 5 y 9 mo 5 d
Tag Team Debate Tournament #2 #
Are there enough people yet.
Marvel500 5 y 9 mo 16 d
Tag Team Debate Tournament #2 #
So we could start this if @Sir spidey picks someone weaker than absorbing man.
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AkhilPDX 5 y 9 mo 16 d
Tag Team Debate Tournament #2 #
Well, we would one more person after that.