Superhero Customizer
Created by SuperSomebody, 3 y 5 mo 7 d ago.
The strength of which character
The speed of which character
The durability of which character
The intelligence of which character
The combat of which character
Created by SuperSomebody, 3 y 5 mo 7 d ago.
The strength of which character
The speed of which character
The durability of which character
The intelligence of which character
The combat of which character
Speed is The Runner
Durable is Doomsday
Intelligent is Dr Doom
Combat/Kombat is Batman
Speed: Wally West
Durability: Silver Surfer
Intelligence: High Evolutionary
Combat: Goku (mostly because Ultra Instinct)
The speed of Wally
The Durability of Doomsday
The Inteligence of Ishigami Senku
The Combat of Scorpion (Hizashi, Mortal Kombat. Get over here!!!)