Suggestions v2.0
Created by Galactus, 5 y 6 mo 17 d ago.
Suggest new features or feature updates for the website.
You can find the Mayor Updates here. These will also show the main features included in each of the update.
*Comments about character updates don't belong here and will be deleted.
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Galactus 1 y 9 mo 20 d
Suggestions v2.0 #
Sticky When suggesting a Species or Type, please provide a link to a (wiki)page or some more info on the Universe/Publisher it's from. And tag me in it.
Last edited: 1 y 24 d ago.
Manx 9 h 51 m
Suggestions v2.0 #
@Galactus could we add a "trivia" page in profiles? like this
Yfuvg 3 d
Suggestions v2.0 #
@Galactus On the subject of publishers, can you do something like there are verses to make it just characters?