Strongest and weakest human gaming protagonist
Created by ultron, 1 y 3 mo 24 d ago.
Imo the strongest has to be either Arthur Morgan or Nathan drake the weakest I have no idea
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Jakcj 1 y 3 mo 20 d
Strongest and weakest human gaming protagonist #
Weakest protagonist is hard because they have plot armor but I'm say Jacob Frye from Assassins creed, he's one of the weakest written characters in an assassins creed game.
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ultron 1 y 3 mo 8 d
Strongest and weakest human gaming protagonist #
I would argue almost any assassin out of assassin Creed could be the weakest gaming protagonist
Jakcj 1 y 3 mo 7 d
Strongest and weakest human gaming protagonist #
@Ultron Fair point except for Ezio and Altair though