Star Wars Outlaws - General Talk
Created by Galactus, 4 mo 14 d ago.
Star Wars Outlaws is a 2024 action-adventure game developed by Massive Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. Set in the Star Wars universe between the events of The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983), the story follows Kay Vess, a young scoundrel who assembles a team for a massive heist in order to pay off a crime syndicate.
It has some weird bugs, like picking two quests that conflict each other so you can't progress. (Fixed this by going to another planet, but that wasn't explained).
Infiltrating bases is fun. Places have an awesome atmosphere! Nix (your pet) is fun to use. The speeder is a bit annoying sometimes. It does feel like a Star Wars game. Repetitive at points, but still fun. Maybe wait till it's a bit cheaper.
I'm usually a blind Star Wars loyalist and would have just bought the game anyway but this was too high