SHDb Headquarters
Created by Galactus, 2 y 2 mo 10 d ago.
Working on my 'home office'. It used to be pretty clean, but it's more of a storage room now. Working from my dinner table now. It has a better view and I have my cats around, but I want to have a better work area.
So, I was playing around in the Ikea Office Planner. I love Ikea!
It's a small room, about 225 cm wide and 320 cm deep (7.4ft x 10.5ft). I want to make it into a room I really want to be in. I love my dvd's/blu-rays and games, so I want to show them.
I came up with this 'design'.
I already have the 2x4 Pallax. I can use it or sell it. I'm also thinking about painting some walls dark blue.
Love to hear your ideas for this room!
The window is a very necessary feature. Sitting at home for hours without seeing the outdoors became depressing after a while. At least to me personally.