Root for villains/Antagonists
Created by voidstone, 1 y 5 mo 12 d ago.
What are some moments that you root for villain instead hero
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Tyrannus 1 y 5 mo 11 d
Root for villains/Antagonists #
Magento in general.
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ultron 1 y 5 mo 9 d
Root for villains/Antagonists #
what is his motive only thing i know is that he is a hollocoast survivor
Tyrannus 1 y 5 mo 8 d
Root for villains/Antagonists #
@ultron That homo sapiens will never accept them as equals and trying to live in peace with them is futile. He did eventually give in and gave Charles's idea a chance however they ended up nearly going extinct as a result so he reverted back to his ways after Cyclops died.