Most powerful OCs (Original Characters)
Created by HeroicSacrifice123, 4 y 10 mo 14 d ago.
Discuss who's OCs are the most powerful. Don't say anything about Dark Infinity. We don't talk about that.
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Fantago 1 y 25 d
Most powerful OCs (Original Characters) #
guys what do you think about mine character?
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yes 1 y 3 mo 22 d
Most powerful OCs (Original Characters) #
@Julianzz Theos, Devine code, and just about every other OC in this list are more impressive then the Devine designer.
yes 1 y 3 mo 22 d
Most powerful OCs (Original Characters) #
@Julianzz Meaning they have better feats, statements, bigger cosmology and just all around more impressive