Most overrated character from DC/Marvel
Created by ultron, 2 y 1 mo 11 d ago.
Who do u think is the most overrated character from DC and marvel
Imo Doctor fate is the most overrated character in DC as I don't really understand his motives, the way he got his powers is dumb and he is way to powerfull to be related to or to even have interesting fights.
Most overrated character in marvel is probably maybe ironman but idk I'm just a big fan of the character
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Rotemeg 7 mo 10 d
Most overrated character from DC/Marvel #
Scarlet witch, Flash, Thor, trigon
yes 2 y 1 mo 4 d
Most overrated character from DC/Marvel #
yes 2 y 1 mo 8 d
Most overrated character from DC/Marvel #
All of the Scp verse