Imagine this
Created by BlotskyA, 4 y 28 d ago.
This is Like What if, but a little different , instead of saying What if, you'll have to say "Imagine this" and it can be Both Comic Book and Off Topic, so have Fun!
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BlotskyA 4 y 17 d
Imagine this #
Imagine this, Batman Forced to run from Paris, France to Moscow, Russia and he has like 10 Minutes
SirSpookyChan 4 y 23 d
Imagine this #
Imagine this. Making the most powerful character ever created and now because of the same obsesion that made you make said character you want to make something even more powerful.
BlotskyA 4 y 24 d
Imagine this #
Imagine The Justice League and Avengers (On the Same Team) on Antarctica and forced to remove theirr Shirt and then a Heat Wave (Disaster, Not The Character) Occurs