If a Superhero were in Smash...
Created by MS643262, 3 y 7 mo 14 d ago.
If a Marvel or DC superhero were forced to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which ones would they be?
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datboi12ty 3 y 7 mo 14 d
If a Superhero were in Smash... #
What about Black Widow as like a zero suit samus color and captain america
Jakcj 3 y 7 mo 14 d
If a Superhero were in Smash... #
They wouldn't do that because they're not affiliated with Marvel Or DC. It's just nintendo
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UnusOf2029 3 y 7 mo 14 d
If a Superhero were in Smash... #
That's not the point this is a "what if" or a "would't that be cool" thing