
Idea for a flash game.

Created by skywalkervader, 2 y 2 mo 11 d ago.

The flash is so fast, almost no one thinks a game can be made around him, but if that were true, then sonic frontiers shouldn't be possible, what are your thoughts?


ultron 1 y 11 mo 22 d
Idea for a flash game.
79 months member
i think a flash game would be so cool it should be a game where in the beginnning u fight regular enemies and u can go super fast sloing down time making u able to defeat them easily but further into the game faster foes ould appear
Tyrannus 2 y 2 mo 6 d
Idea for a flash game.
69 months member
Sonic's a bit different. He doesn't run as fast as Flash does and Sonic's gameplay mechanics wouldn't make sense for Flash (e.g. touching enemies makes you lose rings, air dashing etc).