I think we need Bruce Banner
Created by Taurus, 2 y 5 mo 8 d ago.
I changed my mind @Ezio we need Bruce Banner as a separate entity. He has plenty of feats without using/being able to use Hulk (beating Doom, building tech to stop Juggernaut, Red Hulk, and others, fighting a genetically enhanced cyborg as Joe Fixit etc).
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Tyrannus 2 y 4 mo 29 d
I think we need Bruce Banner #
I don't think we need him. His battles are quite boring because that's not what he was meant for.
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Taurus 2 y 4 mo 27 d
I think we need Bruce Banner #
In the comics or on the site? Because I happen to disagree with both...
Tyrannus 2 y 4 mo 17 d
I think we need Bruce Banner #