Ghost-Rider (Agents of Shield) vs The Avengers (MCU)
Created by datboi12ty, 3 y 3 mo 18 d ago.
Who would win and why? Now keep in mind this is the avengers in their prime or simply at their strongest. So This would mean Strombreaker Thor, Iron Man's Nanotech suit, Captain America (Worthy), Hulk (Gladiator), etc.
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SuperSomebody 3 y 3 mo 18 d
Ghost-Rider (Agents of Shield) vs The Avengers (MCU) #
I think Avengers in a close fight because of Scarlet Witch
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datboi12ty 3 y 3 mo 18 d
Ghost-Rider (Agents of Shield) vs The Avengers (MCU) #
Well thats true but however if Wanda where to even get touched by the hellfire it is basically a win for Ghost-Rider would could probably beat Doctor Strange
SuperSomebody 3 y 3 mo 18 d
Ghost-Rider (Agents of Shield) vs The Avengers (MCU) #