Does the Strength Bar refer to lifting strength of striking strength?
Created by sonyablade, 3 y 3 mo 27 d ago.
What dos it refer to? Like, if it'sstriking strength, Characters like the Flash and Scarlet Witch would have very very high strength levels. And it only makesmore sense as a Striking Level stat, i mean...isn't the whole point of strength as a feat to be used for punches and kicks and attac? Like, not necessarily lifting anything?
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TheNemianLion 3 y 3 mo 25 d
Does the Strength Bar refer to lifting strength of striking strength? #
Primarily lifting strength. Although it can refer to all forms of physical strength. It's however 'focussed' on lifting strength.
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Poe 3 y 3 mo 25 d
Does the Strength Bar refer to lifting strength of striking strength? #
Lord it’s been a while sense I’ve seen you glad to see one of the older users kinda active
TheNemianLion 3 y 3 mo 25 d
Does the Strength Bar refer to lifting strength of striking strength? #
Yes sir! Just been working on music, school and art! I got some big things coming!