DC Fans Want WBD Sell Snyderverse to Netflix Good or Bad
Created by Unicron, 1 y 10 mo 20 d ago.
What will Happened If sell Snyderverse to Netflix
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ziedanish 1 y 9 mo 16 d
DC Fans Want WBD Sell Snyderverse to Netflix Good or Bad #
Netflix sill interesting DC
Unicron 1 y 9 mo 26 d
DC Fans Want WBD Sell Snyderverse to Netflix Good or Bad #
It will be great Snyderverse to Netflix
Tyrannus 1 y 10 mo 19 d
DC Fans Want WBD Sell Snyderverse to Netflix Good or Bad #
I'm seeing a lot of hate but Netflix actually does really good shows. It would allow for a bigger audience as most of us can't actually watch HBO Max.