DC Absolute Universe
Created by DannyGurney, 1 mo 2 d ago.
Anybody on here reading either Superman,Batman or Wonderwomans?
Been sick so far, wondering how it will tie in with the rest
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amaltaas 1 mo 17 h 59 m
DC Absolute Universe #
I had been thinking about making this poll on ComicVine, but I've been reading every single one. 100% incredible, so fresh and nice. I feel like Absolute Batman will likely be the best for now, with him being EVEN MORE BROKEN due to him not even having any money. Which one are you most enjoying, @DannyGurney ?
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DannyGurney 26 d
DC Absolute Universe #
I think Wonder Womans🤔 the idea of her being raised in hell and being the last of the Amazons was awesome
amaltaas 26 d
DC Absolute Universe #
@DannyGurney I think maybe Absolute Martian Manhunter will be the best it's really original