Dark Prodigy Appreciation Forum
Created by TheNemianLion, 4 y 6 mo 6 d ago.
Here you can list why you love and appreciate my little bro, Dark Prodigy
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Alien_X 3 y 11 mo 22 d
Dark Prodigy Appreciation Forum #
I don't really know a lot about him, but from what I know, he's awesome, one of the legends of SHDB. It's kind of sad that he announced his departure.
Poe 4 y 2 d
Dark Prodigy Appreciation Forum #
He is pretty chill
Taurus 4 y 6 mo 2 d
Dark Prodigy Appreciation Forum #
Don't really know this bloke but he has Deathstroke as his profile picture so he's gotta be a chiller