Cosmic Immortal Hulk Level
Created by thecomicguy, 3 y 6 mo 15 d ago.
I just wanna know why Cosmic Immortal Hulk (CIH for sake of convenience) has the same level as Lucifer or The Presence? I'm only curious because I know CIH is insanely strong, but it doesn't seem like his powers are even multiversal. Keep in mind I could be wrong about CIH and he could be stronger, but I just wanna know why. Thanks!
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God_of_Humanity 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Cosmic Immortal Hulk Level #
CIH is possesed by The One Below All. He is the dark version of The One Above All. He can beat Lucifer. Kind of. 50/50
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IAMlegend87069 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Cosmic Immortal Hulk Level #
@God_of_Humanity from feat wise no...this version of hulk only destroy planet ...he is not at all a lucifer level being
MoNsTeR 3 y 6 mo 14 d
Cosmic Immortal Hulk Level #
Yes yes and yes