
Superhero Database

Superhero Database Community


PostsTopic starterActive
Coffee corner11Galactus1 y 1 mo 25 d
This or That3251InvertedQuantumSpectrum1 d
TOp 5 Best Football edits2mtrindadc3 d
Who do you love more? Dogs or Cats?2Ambush4 d
Best Christmas Song8Galactus9 d
Best voice actor8Xml10 d
top 10 greatest Football teams of all time.26TheEmperor5014 d
What is your favorite Music/Song74BlotskyA22 d
Forced Karaoke: What do you pick?1Galactus28 d
Comparasion edits9OVERCOMER1 mo 5 d
best achievements vs most embarrassing moment12masterking21 mo 9 d
good And bad debaters.74Nyarlathotep2 mo 2 d
Who is the best Messi or Ronaldo11Xml2 mo 5 d
Who will win World Cup 20266Xml2 mo 14 d
Food vs Food33Caleb_Rivas2 mo 17 d
Favorite Fantasy Book/ Novel9Ezio2 mo 19 d
Who is the best player in football history28Xml2 mo 24 d
Guess the language78InvertedQuantumSpectrum2 mo 28 d
This Animal vs That Animal264sonyablade2 mo 28 d
college/university educated users4Ezio3 mo 2 d
Your prediction for UEFA Champions League9Salen11103 mo 7 d
Weapon vs Weapon9RavenCraftAG3 mo 7 d
Death Battle Inaccuracies?31MS6432623 mo 18 d
What's your Phobia?209sonyablade3 mo 19 d
Do you have pets?56Galactus3 mo 19 d
Food Addictions42MaseTheFace3 mo 19 d
What is your favorite color?29Bane3333 mo 19 d
What do you think killed the Dinosaurs27superstarmaster3 mo 26 d
Moral Alignment16Alien_X3 mo 29 d
What is the definition of peak human?6Rajneesh264774 mo 2 d
Do you like or hate this animal?104Delinquent4 mo 4 d
What is your favorite animal?61Delinquent4 mo 4 d
Favourite GAMING youtubers?21RandomName1234 mo 6 d
Olympic Games 202423Galactus4 mo 8 d
What are your top songs to listen to while hitting the gym?4Rajneesh264774 mo 8 d
Who is your Girlfriend96Unicron4 mo 12 d
Best powerscalers on SHDB.16Nyarlathotep4 mo 24 d
Love Or Hate?383SuperSomebody4 mo 28 d
What songs would you like to be played at your funeral?27UnusOf20294 mo 28 d
What is scarier101AshTheRaptor4 mo 29 d
Are most users in this site from America or Other Countries?31vcowles774 mo 29 d
What if you'd obtain the Infinity Gauntlet? Name the first things you would do.9Juggenaut4 mo 29 d
Pizza toppings62Galactus4 mo 29 d
EURO 202470Salen11104 mo 29 d
Can you survive...55SuperSomebody5 mo 7 d
do you want to hear a creepy story17masterking25 mo 8 d
Which Fictional Character has The Best Heat Vision?12Ambush5 mo 11 d
Do you play any sports?19Atomic_lantern5 mo 16 d
OC Movie10Dellmamy455 mo 16 d
If you had Jack Sparrow compass, what would it point to?9Ezio5 mo 16 d
Two Truths and One Lie99Mr_Incognito5 mo 16 d
Do you think you could survive any of these 4 times15superstarmaster5 mo 16 d
Have you ever had a crush on an actress/actor? If yes, for whom?9Juggenaut5 mo 19 d
The Most Powerful Character In any reality30SirSpookyChan5 mo 24 d
Do u believe in ghosts?15ultron5 mo 25 d
Would any land/air animal stand a chance against Dinosaurs?17superstarmaster6 mo 9 d
Dream Interpretations9MaseTheFace6 mo 11 d
What's Galactus favourite food6DivineBeast6 mo 11 d
How tall is everyone?112HolyJoe6 mo 11 d
What is your Gender65SuperSomebody6 mo 12 d
Let's relive the best times of our lives!!10Rajneesh264776 mo 13 d
Country cliches20Galactus6 mo 19 d
Top 10 Albums of all time.10Galactus6 mo 24 d
Last great thing you bought.1Galactus7 mo 10 d
Best Off-Topic Tv-shows.2Galactus7 mo 24 d
What are your thougths about English Fairy Tales youtube channel and its animation and storytelling?2Affan7 mo 26 d
Favorite food?75wade7 mo 26 d
Ask me anything about...22Galactus8 mo 11 d
Social media13ThorMathews8 mo 22 d
Top most beautiful people.62Galactus8 mo 25 d
What's yo fave song?17EmptyHand9 mo 1 d
What is your trueself4ManofPower9 mo 1 d
Favourite WWE superstars?5RandomName1239 mo 1 d
Dream Car67MaseTheFace9 mo 1 d
Who's your real world hero?16Galactus9 mo 1 d
Favourite AMV?19RandomName1239 mo 1 d
Your name?71HolyJoe9 mo 1 d
What's your favorite breakfast?12Fii9 mo 1 d
Do you have any collection?17Ezio9 mo 1 d
What is your job?38Ezio9 mo 1 d
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?10Galactus9 mo 1 d
Male or Female singers10Galactus9 mo 1 d
Pessimists and optimists0OVERCOMER10 mo 2 d
Which picture is creepier?37Delinquent11 mo 7 d
The Ruler of Hell15Ezio11 mo 7 d
Painters and artists1mikeeeee_011 mo 16 d
Rankings95BlotskyA11 mo 25 d
what are some youtubers that will never be the same as before.6Joosh11 mo 27 d
Except yourself, which user do you think makes the best, fairest and most interesting battles?9Ezio1 y 10 d
What do you believe? A greater power? Life after death?22mtrindadc1 y 11 d
Halloween Night :33Zerothemimikyu1 y 1 mo 25 d
Strongest animal? (No extinct animals)30ultron1 y 4 mo 3 d
Favorite Song by Artist and band86LadyGaladriel12121 y 4 mo 5 d
Which OC character can beat Omnigod?21remy941 y 5 mo 12 d
What is the largest animal species you've seen in the wild?9Galactus1 y 5 mo 12 d
If you could see any musician...22Galactus1 y 6 mo 14 d
Customize Your Superhero Suit6Ezio1 y 6 mo 15 d
2 scenes that gave u the same vibe (from movies, comics, games, series, etc)7ultron1 y 7 mo 14 d
What car would you buy?6Galactus1 y 7 mo 17 d
Anger vs. adrenaline rush3AmalgamComics001 y 7 mo 21 d
what is ur favourite meat and fish?2ultron1 y 8 mo 13 d
I need help with deciding on doves or butterflies3masterking21 y 10 mo 6 d
Would music be hypothetically a good way to control peoples mind3ultron1 y 10 mo 12 d
It's my birthday!12Zerothemimikyu1 y 11 mo 2 d
whats a better name for my oc? The eternal phenix or the acient phenix.6ultron1 y 11 mo 3 d
What are you going to do on New Year's Eve?6Drunks1 y 11 mo 25 d
Christmas 20226Jakcj2 y 1 d
How many languages do you know?49MoNsTeR2 y 22 d
Will Doom Slayer power of father be able to survive in the Warhammer 40k universe?2lucifermorningstar8762 y 1 mo 2 d
What is your power level50SuperSomebody2 y 1 mo 16 d
Car vs Car54Caleb_Rivas2 y 2 mo 6 d
What's up5datboi12ty2 y 2 mo 21 d
SHDb Headquarters2Galactus2 y 2 mo 27 d
How Many Cups of Coffee do you have?8BlotskyA2 y 3 mo 3 d
Join My Discord Server1MarvelBoy1072 y 3 mo 8 d
What do you think users look like?139Caleb_Rivas2 y 3 mo 25 d
Vacation 202217Galactus2 y 4 mo 3 d
With great power, comes...12Galactus2 y 4 mo 23 d
Top 10 Favorite Band/Rapper/Musical Artist etc.23Soulcollecter572 y 4 mo 25 d
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?26AkhilPDX2 y 5 mo 2 d
Live Action OC Adapations3MaseTheFace2 y 6 mo 15 d
Released My First Album!3ManofPower2 y 6 mo 26 d
I'm a rapper7ManofPower2 y 7 mo 10 d
Tournament of Armageddon98Alien_X2 y 8 mo 25 d
What is the worst song you've ever heard?17Mr_Incognito2 y 10 mo 6 d
Rank the holiday profile pics68masterking23 y 9 d
Bets4SuperSomebody3 y 10 d
Interesting Thoughts12Thunder_God3 y 14 d
Ctrl-V6Alien_X3 y 1 mo 3 d
Lego9Galactus3 y 1 mo 7 d
Guess what I'm building...29Galactus3 y 1 mo 13 d
Types of disorders?40Jakcj3 y 1 mo 16 d
Guilty pleasures11Galactus3 y 1 mo 21 d
Movies / TV -vs- Music15Galactus3 y 1 mo 28 d
Crazy Facts50CaptainCool3 y 2 mo 15 h 58 m
Did you ever have a Lucid Dream?32SuperSomebody3 y 2 mo 20 h 17 m
Song -vs- Song157Galactus3 y 2 mo 6 d
Spooktober is here!14UnusOf20293 y 2 mo 16 d
Who is the king of clickbait/fake in youtube?21RandomName1233 y 2 mo 20 d
Wishes, but...26UnusOf20293 y 2 mo 21 d
Matches3CaptainCool3 y 2 mo 27 d
Guess Facts About Users173Savage3 y 2 mo 28 d
if you were TOAA17masterking23 y 2 mo 29 d
The Most Devious Lick13UnusOf20293 y 3 mo 1 d
Favourite Edits?6RandomName1233 y 3 mo 7 d
Stories about yourself19Jakcj3 y 3 mo 14 d
Truth Or Dare76SuperSomebody3 y 3 mo 16 d
What if you were in the DCEU6SuperSomebody3 y 3 mo 17 d
The epic of SHDb13masterking23 y 3 mo 18 d
SHDB vs Comicvine7DarkProdigy3 y 3 mo 18 d
Describe your love life with...21UnusOf20293 y 3 mo 20 d
One Word44CaptainCool3 y 3 mo 25 d
Which team would you like to be a member of?33Ezio3 y 4 mo 3 d
Top Ten favorite bands of all time with respect to honorable mentions list21vcowles773 y 4 mo 5 d
A moment of silence20Caleb_Rivas3 y 4 mo 16 d
Superhero Customizer25SuperSomebody3 y 4 mo 18 d
Superhero Vs Olympian11Ezio3 y 4 mo 22 d
Color vs Color54Caleb_Rivas3 y 4 mo 25 d
ROAST ME!33Aries3 y 4 mo 29 d
Favorite Vlogger.1RandomName1233 y 5 mo 3 d
What tier?57SuperSomebody3 y 5 mo 3 d
Best Superhero theme song/music13Galactus3 y 5 mo 4 d
GenieSomebody25SuperSomebody3 y 5 mo 4 d
Your most valuable possession.17Galactus3 y 5 mo 11 d
Riddles.23RandomName1233 y 5 mo 21 d
Impossible Questions42SuperSomebody3 y 6 mo 4 d
Ask SHDb21SuperSomebody3 y 6 mo 6 d
Overexagerrated5SuperSomebody3 y 6 mo 8 d
You have to Out Pizza The Hut25SuperSomebody3 y 6 mo 12 d
Mods 3-way death battle3UnusOf20293 y 7 mo 1 d
Happy Space Day!6Caleb_Rivas3 y 7 mo 14 d
Happy Revenge of the 6th (I know I'm late)7SuperSomebody3 y 7 mo 15 d
Tell a superhero joke34Ezio3 y 7 mo 21 d
Scariest Thing in the Least Amount of Words.69UnusOf20293 y 7 mo 22 d
Favorite Artists17SirSpidey3 y 7 mo 22 d
Artist -vs- Artist112Galactus3 y 7 mo 24 d
Most Depressing Song of All Time62Savage3 y 7 mo 25 d
do you have a accent9masterking23 y 7 mo 26 d
Memento Mori12UnusOf20293 y 7 mo 27 d
Changing the Background Changes the Song.4UnusOf20293 y 7 mo 28 d
Ethical Dilemmas111Mr_Incognito3 y 7 mo 29 d
IT IS NATIONAL THANOS DAY9SuperSomebody3 y 8 mo 47 m
I am making a channel25SuperSomebody3 y 8 mo 1 d
How was your 4/20?17UnusOf20293 y 8 mo 5 d
if you babyfied any character whos the most cute5masterking23 y 8 mo 7 d
how long would you survive the zombie/magical apocalypse7masterking23 y 8 mo 7 d
what make you unique7masterking23 y 8 mo 8 d
i need help on my base structure of my universe15masterking23 y 8 mo 10 d
Do you think you could survive friday 13th6masterking23 y 8 mo 12 d
What if Freddy Kruger haunt your dream?14RandomName1233 y 8 mo 12 d
Are you into rap music?4ManofPower3 y 8 mo 13 d
R.I.P Chadwick Boseman15RajinKabir3 y 8 mo 17 d
I just realized this37UnusOf20293 y 8 mo 24 d
we need your help52masterking23 y 8 mo 25 d
Best music decade.8Galactus3 y 8 mo 29 d
Worst beefs you've had that have since been resolved57EmptyHand3 y 9 mo 3 d
What's your power level?22Alien_X3 y 9 mo 9 d
Clearing The Air11TheNemianLion3 y 11 mo 2 d
Top 10 Rappers of all time4Savage3 y 11 mo 3 d
Questions asked about Marvel or DC or whatever (Not about site)4SephirothShinju4 y 4 d
Does anybody like lifting?17ThorMathews4 y 7 d
I confess I�??m a Spider-Man fanboy10Poe4 y 16 d
What other companies do you like besides Marvel and DC?30HolyJoe4 y 1 mo 3 d
Do you guys Believe the Multiverse Exist?9BlotskyA4 y 1 mo 29 d
Thoughts on the coronavirus89TheOne20014 y 2 mo 15 d
What did you eat for dinner tonight?34EmptyHand4 y 2 mo 17 d
Fastest car vs Fastest plane6Crimsonassassin4 y 5 mo 18 d
YouTube Channel!2ManofPower4 y 6 mo 8 d
R.I.P Stan Lee5TheSuspect6664 y 6 mo 14 d
Question for a character name?4Dillon944 y 6 mo 17 d
If you could35RedEyeJoe4 y 6 mo 17 d
Breaking the fourth wall2Tothetreesbro4 y 6 mo 21 d
About My Comic: What do I draw and when should I do it?2HolyJoe4 y 8 mo 13 d
Who is your closest friend on the site?1DarkProdigy4 y 8 mo 14 d
What is your favorite Meme53ManofPower4 y 8 mo 15 d
Superhero Schedule1RedEyeJoe4 y 10 mo 4 d
I have a mystery for you14DarkProdigy4 y 11 mo 14 h 2 m
Website Anniversaries.11Bane3334 y 11 mo 15 d
I'm new & IDK how to navigate2PeachesNCream45 y 10 d
Clash of Clans.2Bane3335 y 19 d
Happy Thanksgiving holiday to all8MakeMineMarvel5 y 28 d
People you think need to practice the "arts" of making an OC.3Nightshade_5 y 2 mo 5 h 48 m
I'm curious to know who some of your guys favorite sports teams, regardless of sport. I'd love to create a conversation with a little variety :)13cw63345 y 6 mo 1 d
Rap Battle3DarkProdigy5 y 8 mo 15 d
Favourite Artists/Bands/Rappers/Songs etc.8soratoumiga5 y 9 mo 1 d
Why I (for a couple weeks), left the site, and why I'm leaving now. Permanently2DarkProdigy5 y 9 mo 7 d
Collision Course14TheNemianLion5 y 9 mo 28 d
Alone At The Top2SirSpidey5 y 10 mo 2 d
Why I Support T-Series3TheNemianLion5 y 10 mo 3 d
Injustice/injustice 2 quotes and clashes3Crimsonassassin5 y 10 mo 23 d
OC Highschool 2538ManofPower5 y 10 mo 23 d
New Diss Track20TheNemianLion5 y 10 mo 27 d
A very opinionated forum22EmptyHand5 y 11 mo 20 h 55 m
Oc High School1ManofPower5 y 11 mo 15 d