
15th Anniversary Celebration

Created by Galactus, 4 y 4 mo 12 d ago.

On September 29th 2020 the website will turn 15! Let's celebrate it here.
Share your stories, what is so great about this website, why are you here? How long have you been on the website? What are your most memorable moments?

I want to thank everyone who created an account and contributed to this awesome community! Some of you have put so much time and effort into it, it's really amazing!
Let's celebrate together! �?��

After some delay, I�??m finally ready to announce the winners of the votery!

The closest guess to the total amount of votes winning the Nano Gauntlet is;

The two runner ups, winning a $50 Amazon gift card are;

The following 5 users win a $10 Amazon Gift Card;

Congratulations to all the winners!
I will send all the winners a PM with some information on how to receive their prize.

This topic is locked


Galactus 4 y 3 mo 29 d
15th Anniversary Celebration
8+ year member
Sticky Ready to do the snap yourself? The prizes are up!

Everyone with an account has a chance to win the Nano Gauntlet!
Last edited: 4 y 3 mo 29 d ago.
Galactus 4 y 2 mo 17 d
15th Anniversary Celebration
8+ year member
All third prize winners should get the Amazon Gift card in their mail about now and I've contacted the other winners.
The Award will be up this Friday.
HolyJoe 4 y 2 mo 19 d
15th Anniversary Celebration
88 months member
Hey, @Galactus. I messaged you on Discord about the stats.