

Barry Allen

Injustice (2013-2017 Games and Comics)

Flash's History

Barry' Allen had a relatively normal life, until his father was wrongly accused for the death of his mother and imprisoned. Since then, he enrolled for a forensics scientist at Central City to try and uncover the truth. At one fateful moment while working overtime, Barry was hit by a lightning bolt while dowsed in chemicals, the result of this giving him super speed. He used this power to become The Flash, protecting Central City at every point in the day, due to him being able to go faster than the speed of light. This astounding potential of his powers is what landed Flash on the Justice League, becoming a founding member and a mainstay.

Regime (Gods Among Us)Edit

The Flash joined Superman's One Earth government because he believed in it. He told Shazam that it made sense at first, doing so to protect Iris, but lately serious doubts have begun to creep in