


universe Star Wars Universe

Fives's weapons

No equipment information available.

Fives's equipment

During his time as a cadet, Fives wore green lined standard training armour and used a DC-15 blaster rifle. Upon graduation, he wore standard white trooper armour. Upon entering the 501st Legion, he decorated his armour with blue stripes, a stylized blue and red Rishi eel running down the top of the helmet, and an image of a Z-6 blaster cannon on his shoulder giving homage to his dead squad-mate Hevy. He continued to use a DC-15 blaster rifle while he was in the 501st Legion. When he was promoted to ARC trooper, he kept the blue markings and Rishi eel art on his ARC trooper armour, and began using twin DC-17s like his friend Rex, though he continued use the DC-15A from time to time. Fives's ARC trooper armour used a kama and a double-sided pauldron, which indicated his military rank and specialist status.
No equipment or weapons connected to Fives