

Jason Rusch

universe Post-Crisis

Firestorm's powers and abilities

Atomic Fusion: ability to atomically fuse his body cells with that of another human being in order to form a composite entity known as Firestorm. While in this form, Firestorm has access to a wide variety of superhuman abilities. Jason also possesses an enhanced version of the original "merge"; he could become Firestorm by merging with anyone he made eye contact with. Although the 'preferred' form of Firestorm would now be composed of Jason and Martin, both of them retain the ability to merge temporarily with another person; while the need for a battery has gone, a person could substitute for the other main member, sharing all his or her knowledge with an improved mind-link through the Firestorm Matrix. Firestorm Matrix: Jason's powers have fluctuated during the course of his series. At the outset, he possessed similar abilities to the original Firestorm. Theoretically, according to Martin Stein, the powers of the Firestorm matrix are infinite. The return and subsequent dissipation of Ronnie Raymond left Jason with sufficient power to turn into Firestorm without having to merge with others, though he was still capable of the merge if the need arose. Unfortunately, his imprisonment by the Society depowered him to the point that he once again required the merge to become Firestorm. More recently, Martin Stein, using his knowledge of the Firestorm Matrix, managed to reconfigure Firestorm's present characteristics.