
Final Space

Final Space

Type Animated (Movie / TV)
Info Final Space is a delightful adult animated space opera comedy drama television series that was created by the talented Olan Rogers and developed by Rogers and David Sacks. The show follows the thrilling adventures of an astronaut named Gary Goodspeed and his extraordinary alien companion Mooncake, as they embark on intergalactic missions to save the universe from impending disaster. Initially airing on TBS on February 26, 2018, the series later found a home on Cartoon Network's late-night programming block, Adult Swim, starting with the second season on June 24, 2019. The third and final season premiered on March 20, 2021. Unfortunately, due to the proposed merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery Inc., Adult Swim made the regrettable decision to cancel the series after three seasons, as announced by Rogers on September 10, 2021. Furthermore, the series had to be written off for taxes, as confirmed by Rogers on Twitter in September 2022. Although the show was removed from Netflix internationally on December 16, 2023, it continued to be available in Spain, France, Germany, and Belgium until March 18, 2024. Fans can look forward to an exciting upcoming graphic novel called Final Space: The Final Chapter, which will serve as a continuation and conclusion to the beloved television series. The graphic novel is set to be released in late 2024.

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Final Space