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41 months member
Captain Marvel (MCU) No she didn't absorb Infinity Stones energy Rajin Kabir debunked it here let me quote it: "For those of you think Cap Marvel was using the stones to beat thanos are wrong. It is a popular fan theory. But not confirmed in any way. Whenever a Infinity stone is used they glow really bright. And in the scene where Cap Marvel overpowered Thanos the stones were not glowing. Which mean they weren't being used. And when thanos took of the power stone it was glowing. It is quite visible."
And she didn't create any energy field what you yapping about, the glow is her usual glow she does when she uses her powers, and honestly let's actually assume she did absorb Infinity Stone energy, if she did this automatically gives her the win here since Infinity Stones can destroy and recreate universe

And reshape existence

And again this Thor is still fat and Iron Man said Thor is not in condition to survive Infinity Gauntlet snap

While Joe Russo said Captain Marvel could have survived snapping
Let's not forget Carol can just absorb any of his energy based attacks and she wields a Quantum Band which are stated to be important in the future and we saw this Thanos still fighting with full strength against her unlike Cull Obsidian
Last edited: 20 m ago.
26 months member
Higher strength and speed, I put him at tier 2 bc he actually does beat quite bit of the verse, especially tier ones
26 months member
Homelander 🧍‍♂️bro said sadly