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These are the 50 latest comments made by Facundo2006

66 months member
Moon Knight It should also be clarified that Daredevil could have been able to defeat many heroes considered the best fighters in all of Marvel. CONTENTS I repeat CONTENTS, while the MOON KNIGHT faced them is the OPPOSITE ASPECT, another thing is that he has much better resistance and durability
66 months member
Moon Knight Moon Knight wins. despite the fact that daredevil has better speed, agility and reflexes, the moon knight is a better strategist and fighter: he has mastered ALMOST all the fighting styles in the world, he may be able to damage and defeat characters stronger and faster than him, such What BLACK PANTHER, DEADPOOL, VENOM, BLACK SPECTRE, CONDE NEFARIA, TASKMASTER, HOBGOBLIN and DEMOGOBLIN (and if you're wondering why nick fury, bullseye and punisher could fight him, it's because of this: - in the case of nick fury, the moon knight was very content - in the bullseye one, he pretended to be very weak to make him and the thunderbolts look ridiculous to fall into his trap which went very well, WHICH SHOWS THAT THE MOON KNIGHT IS VERY VERY CUTE - in the case of the punisher it was that FRANK CASTLE was giving everything but absolutely everything and the moon knight was between content and a little not). in terms of intelligence, strategy and feats he is superior to daredevil since he was able to manage to defend himself and give a good fight to HULK and his rival/friend SENTRY!! ; being able to take on many evil demonic counterparts of many heroes such as psylocke , dark beast , US agent , gambit , nova , DAREDEVIL , storm , etc and was able to manage to take on MOON SHADE (his evil demonic counterpart : a magical cosmic entity that absorbed each variant of the moon knight) and KILL HIM, all this during THE INFINITY WAR IN COMICS. And with a little help from Khonshu, he devised a plan to steal the powers of Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Thor, and Iron Fist (he was able to evade all of their moves in combat without powers). In terms of powers the Moon Knight can also defend himself and free himself from telepathic attacks from telepaths/mutants like Psylocke. so if MOON KNIGHT WINS this but with a little effort
66 months member
not voted How would Johnny do against a cobra kai student along with 2 former cobra kai students, 1 from eagle fang and 1 from miyagi do today. obviously take them on one at a time. johnny lawrence from the 1st movie will be taken into account, but only the versions of miguel, hawk, tory, manta ray and aisha will be taken into account from season 1 to 3 because from season 4 onwards the modern ones outperform the classics (well everyone except CHOZEN, MIKE BARNES and JULIE PIERCE) since from the 4th season the classics can only beat him from BERT to KYLER and DEMETRI. except for TORY, SAM, HAWK, ROBBY and MIGUEL since they exceeded their limits