Eric Lecarde

Eric Lecarde


Eric Lecarde's History

Early life

Eric was born in Segovia, Spain to the Lecardes, a magistrate family who were related to the Belmont clan by blood and were in possession of an enchanted weapon known as the Alucard Spear.[2][3] He was the second son of a family of five siblings. Like his other relatives, Eric began to learn fencing and martial arts at age 3. By age 10, he was the best fighter in the whole family and the most proficient spear-user in Spain. However, Eric preferred sculpting to martial arts, and as a result, repeatedly argued with his father. When he was 18 years old, he left his house to become a sculptor.[1]

Five years later, Eric joined the construction of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. On the night of a thunderstorm, he was visited by a mysterious old man. The old man told Eric that Elizabeth Bartley, Count Dracula's niece, was revived from a 300-year old slumber and planned to bring her uncle back to life. He handed Eric a key and told him to head back to his ancestral home to fulfill his destiny as a vampire hunter (unknown to Eric, the identity of the old man was Michael R. Belmont). After a few days of consideration, Eric made up his mind to go back.[1]

However, upon his return, Eric was met with tragedy. His fiancée, Lucy Seward, who had been engaged to Eric since he was 11, had her blood sucked by Elizabeth ten days before he had come home. Eric met with a bedridden Lucy, and she told him that her soul was trapped inside Dracula's castle, located at Bistritz, Romania. After asking Eric to save her soul, she calmly passed away. Lucy's body was later buried with her head cut off and a wooden stake piercing her heart.[1]

When Eric's rage against Elizabeth reached its peak, the key which was given to him by the mysterious, old man began to shine. It led Eric to small, marble temple located in the corner of his house's garden. When he opened the door with the key, he came upon the Alucard Spear tied to a chain, emitting a pale, blue light. Once he grasped the spear, the chain loosened and felt a shock inside his body. It was then that Eric awoke to his destiny as a vampire hunter.[1]

Events of Castlevania: Bloodlines

After Dracula's body had been turned to ash following his defeat at the hands of Quincy Morris, Dracula's resentful spirit continued to wander the earth, searching for a new body. Elizabeth became involved in the outbreak of World War I, and plotted to use the souls of the millions people who died as sacrifices to bring back her uncle. In order to conduct the ritual, Elizabeth had to reach Castle Proserpina, located above Whitby, England, where the spirit of Dracula was waiting.[1]

When Eric arrived in the town of Bistritz, he encountered Quincy's son, John Morris, who just like him, was distantly related to the Belmont family. Together, they headed to the ruins of Dracula's castle in search of Elizabeth.[1]

After instead being faced with one of the monsters under control of the sorceress Drolta Tzuentes, Eric and John followed Elizabeth across Europe, ultimately arriving at Castle Proserpina. Thanks to their combined efforts, Elizabeth and Drolta were defeated and Dracula's resurrection was prevented. Dracula's resentful spirit faded from Europe, having been driven back to his dark netherworld.[1]


Eric would later find a new love and she bore him twin daughters in 1923.[4][5] Stella, the firstborn, would inherit Eric's physical prowess, while Loretta would inherit his magical gifts. Though neither took up the Alucard Spear, they were trained in the ways of the Lecarde family and learned the ritual that was needed to unlock the full power of the Vampire Killer. Even knowing that they would be well-trained as warriors, Eric could be somewhat overprotective of them.

After the battle against Dracula in 1917, John had taken an unusual amount of time to recover. Using magic, he and Eric were able to discover that it was Vampire Killer itself that interfered in his healing. If the wielder was not a direct male-line descendant of the Belmont Clan, the whip used up some of the life force of its user in exchange for using its full power. Even knowing the cost, John continued to use the whip, but prior to his death he made Eric promise never to tell his son Jonathan how to awaken its full power.

Events of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin

In 1944, a vampire named Brauner had assumed control of Dracula's Castle, which had resurrected due to the fury and anguish of those killed during World War II. Eric went to investigate the castle's reappearance, but was defeated by Brauner. Around the same time, Stella and Loretta had come to the castle to search for their father, despite Eric's instructions not to follow him. Eventually, they found a badly injured Eric, but were ambushed and turned into vampires by Brauner. Eric was then killed by Brauner. However, Eric was able to bind his spirit to the castle as he died, his will being strong enough to avoid being controlled or warped by its power. He then waited for other hunters to come to the castle, so that he may provide assistance to them with defeating Brauner.

Soon after, Jonathan and his childhood friend Charlotte Aulin, a spellcaster descended from the Belnades Clan, came to the castle to investigate. When they came across Eric's spirit, he introduced himself as Wind, not wanting to reveal his true identity to them. He lent them his aid by teaching Jonathan new fighting techniques and Charlotte new spells, occasionally providing new equipment, and by providing information about Brauner.

After Jonathan and Charlotte discovered a locket containing a picture of Stella, Loretta and Eric himself, he admitted that they were in fact his daughters, and that he was, in fact, the same man who had fought alongside Jonathan's father in 1917. He explained to Jonathan the true nature of his father's death, and why John had not trained him completely. He also eventually gave him the spear that Alucard had given to him.

His daughters were eventually restored to human form by Charlotte, who was able to perform the Sanctuary spell - a purification spell that even Eric was unable to learn in life. They then enabled Jonathan to unlock the power of the whip via a battle with the memory of the last Belmont who wielded it: Richter Belmont. After Brauner and Dracula were defeated, he bid his daughters farewell and departed to the afterlife.