

Lois Lane

universe Dark Multiverse

Eradicator's History

Lois Lane was a reporter at the Daily Planet with her fiancé, Clark Kent. This version of Lois Lane was the same version as the one leading up to the events of the Death of Superman. After the death of Superman, Lois wanted revenge on the world that let Superman die.

Lois was a reporter for the Daily Planet and the lover of Clark Kent, the superhero known as Superman who was killed while stopping Doomsday. She blamed the Justice League who only arrived after his death, being disgusted at them being front-and-center at his funeral while she couldn't even get a glimpse and his parents were forced to stay at home. During her grief, she noted how the world had grown more chaotic and had wasted his gift.

While paying respects to Clark's Kryptonian parents, she meets the Eradicator, who needs a vessel to contain his Kryptonian powers. Lois volunteered and the two merged, turning Lois into a Kryptoninan. She takes up the emblem of the House of El and continues Superman's work.

After a while she saw that there were better ways of making the world a better place, questioning why Clark never did more. She began to go to extreme measures, such as free prisoners, penalize the corrupt, and destroy military weapons. After learning that Lex Luthor manufactured and stored nuclear weapons that were causing radiation poison to the innocent, she confronted him. He gloated about his crimes which she couldn't prove, but in response she killed him.

She later hunted known criminals and murderers, believing it to be the best option. After killing The Joker, she was was confronted by Batman who told her she had crossed a line, though she responded his way never worked. He tried to stop her using Kryptonite and electric shock after she punched him, due to his retort that she had let Clark die in vain. Batman however was unsuccesful and she killed him when he stated he won't stop.

She began to believe that Clark didn't want to accept the world didn't want to be saved. Later, she attacked the Cyborg Superman for taking the Superman name. While fighting him, Superman returns but realizes people are afraid of her. As Cyborg Superman gets ready to pump Kryptonite gas, she rushes off to stop him but accidentally breaks the pump which causes Green Kryptonite to spread in the air. Superman dies in her arms, horrified by what she has become. She continues to patrol her Earth as the "savior" she believes they need.